Wuyuan... a wet wonderful world of bridges, alleys and waterways


Wuyuan, a set on Flickr.

I'm superbehind on my picture editing and posting, so here's an 'oldie' before I get to some more recent materials: we traveled to Wuyuan over the Spring Festival period and stayed a couple of days in Little Likeng (小李坑) in the beautiful Jianxi countryside. We also visited surrounding places such as the village of Sixi (思溪延村) and the Rainbow Bridge. These villages consist of narrow alleys, ancient buildings and waterways and are a bit commercialized, but quite beautifully kept and restored and offer great photographic pleasure =)

At the time we went there, the weather was horrendously cold (around zero degrees, but super humid and rainy/snowy, brrrrr!), but spring season should be very pleasant, and the area is renowned for its gorgeous yellow spring flowers blooming in april/may, so if you wanna head out there: now should be a good time to go!